Required Courses (14 s.h.)
PHAR 6515 Perspectives in DDET (2 s.h.)
PHAR 5510 Graduate Student Seminar (1 s.h.)
PHAR 5545 Current Medicinal Chemistry (3 s.h.)
BIOS 4120 Introduction to Biostatistics (3 s.h.; Spring semester)
PCOL 4130 Drug Mechanisms and Actions (3 s.h.)
PHAR 7101 Principles of Experimental Therapeutics (3 s.h.)
PHAR 8148 Introduction to Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics (2 s.h.)
(or 4146)
Elective Courses (10 s.h. minimum)
BIOS 5120 Design Analysis Biomed Stud.
BIOL 5512 Fundamental Genetics (lecture)
BIOS 5512 Fundamental Genetics (discussion)
PHAR 5537 Enz Basis Drug Metab
PHAR 5541 Total Synthesis Nat’l Prod
PHAR 5542 Enz Kinetics Enz Mechanism
PHAR 5512 Drug Disc Mechanisms
PHAR 5549 Analytical Biochem
PHAR 6501 Pharm Chem Toxicology
PHAR 6700 Pharmaco-kinetics/dynamics
PHAR 7101 Principles of Therapeutics
PHAR 7102 Appl Clin Translational Science
CHEM 5321 Spec Methods Org Chem
CHEM 5328 Mech of Org Reactions
More About Electives
- Note that the above list of electives is not exhaustive, and others may be selected by a student and advisor to best fit the needs of the student and their research goals.
- Additional electives to meet the 10 s.h. (minimum) can be selected at the discretion of the student in consultation with their advisor: Chemistry, Genetics, Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry.
Research Rotations
All students entering the program will participate in a minimum of two rotations, each lasting 6-8 weeks, prior to joining a research group. Assignment of a student to a research group/mentor will occur following the completion of rotations based on mutual agreement by the student, advisor, and subprogram director.