Our Pharmaceutics Program
Pharmaceutics is the scientific discipline that studies how to develop novel drug entities, which may range from small organic molecules to large proteins or nucleic acids and even cells, into safe and effective drug products used by patients and caregivers to treat or prevent disease.
Students in our program are prepared through rigorous coursework, extensive independent research training, and a series of professional development opportunities for impactful careers in pharmaceutical sciences that directly influence healthcare on a global scale.
Translating new drugs from bench to bedside is a broadly multidisciplinary effort and students with backgrounds in materials science, physical chemistry, biochemistry, engineering, pharmacology, or physiology are encouraged to apply.
Where do our graduates go?
Graduates of our program are thought leaders in the pharmaceutical field with
impactful positions throughout industry, academia, and regulatory agencies.
Student Support and Fellowship Opportunities
Flanagan, Guillory, Matheson, Wurster Pharmaceutics Graduate Fellowship
Keith Guillory Pharmaceutics Graduate Fellowship
Dale E. and June P. Wurster Pharmaceutics Research Fund
Pharmaceutics Research and Education Enhancement Fund