Become a Preceptor
As teachers, experts, specialists, and mentors, our preceptors provide learning experiences outside the standard classroom. Preceptors allow student pharmacists a glimpse into the daily life of a health care provider. They assist students in the application of their knowledge and skills in direct patient care and other practice settings. Whether in the community pharmacy, the intensive care unit of a hospital, an emergency department or corporate pharmacy management, preceptors are active teachers of the hands-on experiences student pharmacists desire. Preceptors are welcomed from all pharmacy practice settings and can host experiences ranging from brief shadowing encounters to 5-week intensive practice experiences.
As pharmacists, we take an oath to “…utilize my knowledge, skills, experiences, and values to prepare the next generation of pharmacists.” As a University of Iowa Preceptor, we hope to provide you with the opportunities to enrich your career as a pharmacist and preceptor.
Become a Professional Mentor
The Professional Mentor Program matches students with a UI College of Pharmacy alumnus or friend who will help them explore careers, set goals, develop contacts and identify resources. Professional mentors want students to succeed in their academic journey and beyond! Experienced pharmacists are paired with first-year PharmD students, and the pairs are encouraged to communicate throughout the mentee’s educational journey, and beyond. These relationships are proven to not only be a valuable resource for the student, but also an enriching and rewarding experience for mentors.
The Student Travel Enhancement Program (STEP)
STEP is designed to decrease out of pocket travel expenses for students while connecting them with alumni during residency and job interviews. This program will also allow students to save on travel expenses as well as engage with our alumni and friends. In addition, it will allow alumni and friends to get to know our talented students.
Volunteer to Become a Class Captain!
We are always looking for alumni who are interested in being a "class captain" for their respective class. Whether it is to encourage classmates to come back for Homecoming, or creating a class scholarship, we need you!
Become a Guest Lecturer or Student Organization Speaker
Faculty and student groups are often looking for guest lecturers.

Kayla Sanders
Alumni Relations Manager