To establish a new site you will need to do the following:
- Contact the Professional Experience Program at
- Discuss what type of experience you will offer.
- Determine eligibility for precepting.
- Complete this form.
- Participate in our preceptor training program. We require all preceptors to complete our initial training program, "Preceptor Orientation." Free Continuing Education (CE) credit will be given with its completion.
- Send us a professional photo to be added to your preceptor profile in the rotation database system (optional).
- For additional information view the Preceptor Manual Here: Preceptor Manual for Experiential Education.
- Preceptor Information Form
- CV or Resume (CV Template)
- Adjunct Appointment Form if applicable
- Preceptor Training Program (View Preceptor Continuing Education Instructions) After submitting your Information Form and CV, you will receive logins for eValue (our rotation database system) where you can access the required Preceptor Training Program.
- Professional Photo: Send us a professional photo to be added to your profile in the rotation database system (this step is optional). Ideal size is 135 px by 160 px or as small/close to these dimensions as possible.
- Site Description Form - This form is for sites who have not previously hosted University of Iowa PharmD students. The information in this form will be used to create a site description for student viewing. This helps students know what to expect when they come to your site. In addition to the information in this form, additional documents such as a syllabus, health system required forms, etc. can be uploaded to a site description.
- Affiliate Agreement
Guidelines for a Successful Practice Experience
Below are some guidelines for establishing your practice experience and items to consider before the student arrives at your practice site.
Orientation: Please ensure that each student pharmacist has an appropriate orientation to the site and is introduced to individuals at the practice site. Try to not assume they know where they are and what they are supposed to do even if they have completed several experiences.
Setting expectations: Setting expectations at the beginning of the experience can set the tone for the rest of the experience. Meeting with the student pharmacist on the first or second day to review the expectations and set goals for the experience is ideal. You can also review areas that he or she may need to work on during the experience. Be sure to ask the student to see his or her self-assessment. This may help you identify areas on which to concentrate during the experience.
Feedback: Student pharmacists should be given feedback on a regular basis on their performance. At a minimum, student pharmacists should have a midpoint and a final evaluation. During this time, you can discuss strengths and areas for improvement. You can also set new goals and expectations for the student pharmacist at this time.
Evaluations: Evaluations must be completed in a timely manner in order to meet the deadline for grade submission with the University’s Registrar. Evaluations should be completed by the Wednesday following the end of the rotation. All evaluations can be found in the eValue website.