Faculty Mentor Program
The purpose of the Faculty Mentor Program is to assist professional development related to career counseling, professionalism, and academic success. Students are assigned a faculty mentor early in their first year of pharmacy school.
Faculty mentors.....
- Provide assistance and support.
- Identify career objectives.
- Instill Independence and build confidence.
- Discuss professionalism.
- Encourage participation in collegiate, campus, local, state, and national pharmacy activities.
- Help understand various aspects of the pharmacy world.
- Provide feedback for various professional discussions and writing reflections.
Professional Mentor Program
The Professional Mentor Program matches students with a UI College of Pharmacy alumnus or friend who will help them explore careers, set goals, develop contacts and identify resources. Professional mentors want students to succeed in their academic journey and beyond! Experienced pharmacists are paired with first-year PharmD students, and the pairs are encouraged to communicate throughout the mentee’s educational journey, and beyond. These relationships are proven to not only be a valuable resource for the student, but also an enriching and rewarding experience for mentors.
If you are a student and would like to participate in the Professional Mentor Program, please click here.
If you are an alumni or friend of the college and would like to mentor a student, please click here.
Research and Discovery Mentors
Discovery is a four-part course sequence in which all Doctor of Pharmacy students ultimately complete a professional discovery project and present the results. Through professional discovery, students have the opportunity to engage with faculty mentors learning about the research process. Student groups partner with faculty investigators to create and disseminate new knowledge related to pharmacy or health care through:
- Patient case studies
- Literature reviews
- Analysis of pharmacy practice problems
- Basic Research
Peer Mentors
Students are assigned upper-class students as peer mentors to help navigate pharmacy school. Peer mentors and mentees are in the same PODS group.
Preceptor Mentors
For each practice-based experience (APPEs and IPPEs), students are assigned a preceptor who can serve as a mentor for students.
Mentors of Your Own Choosing
Students are encouraged to find their own mentors through networking at many college and professional organization events.