On November 13 – 17, two students in the Graduate Program in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences and their advisor traveled to Washington D.C. to attend the ASTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) annual conference. Amal Ayyoub and Carrie Morris, both CPS students advised by Dr. Larry Fleckenstein, presented abstracts of their current work regarding their drug, Pyramax, in the meeting. This conference was attended by many national and international scholars. In addition, representatives from the industry, nonprofit organizations, from the NIH (National Institute of Health) and MMC (Medicines for Malaria Venture) were present.
“The nice thing about this meeting that actually distinguishes it from others is that you sense the will and enthusiasm about the science and the desire to help people all around the world in terms of finding a cure for Malaria and other tropical diseases,” Ayyoub said.
(Left to right) Dr. Larry Fleckenstein, Carrie Morris, and Amal Ayyoub enjoy a meal at the ASTMH conference in Washington D.C.