Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Iowa Pharmacy Association Annual Meeting was held June 17-18, 2016 in West Des Moines. Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and student pharmacists gathered to participate in policy discussions, attend educational sessions, and network with fellow pharmacy leaders. 

The House of Delegates met for two sessions on Friday and Saturday mornings and were led by Speaker of the House, CoraLynn Trewet (Iowa Building Development Committee member). Following the House of Delegates session and luncheon on Friday afternoon, poster presentations were showcased.

On Friday night, the President’s Reception and Annual Banquet was held. Several of the association's annual awards were presented during the banquet,  many of which were given to UI College of Pharmacy alumni, faculty, and students.

At the second House of Delegates session on Saturday, Jane DeWitt (’92 MS, ’00 PhD) was introduced and confirmed as the 2016 IPA honorary president, Susan Vos (Clinical Associate Professor ) was installed as Speaker of the House and Steve Martens (’02 PharmD) was elected as Vice-Speaker of the House.

Award recipients are as follows:

2016 Bowl of Hygeia Award:  Kenneth Anderson (’72 BSPh)

Distinguished Young Pharmacist Award:  Ashley Dohrn (’06 PharmD, Adjunct Assistant Professor)

Health-System Pharmacist of the Year Award: Erik Maki (’03 PharmD)

GenerationRx Award: Noelle Johnson (’07 PharmD)

Karbeling Leadership Award: Robert Nichols (’17 PharmD Candidate)

Poster Presentation Award: "Changes in Pharmacy Practice Due to a Change in Prescription Refill Processing: The Iowa New Practice Model," Michael Andreski ('83 BSPh, MBA, '09 PhD); Megan Myers, PharmD

Appreciation Award: Ray Buser (’69 BSPh), Michele Evink (Adjunct Assistant Professor), Tom Halterman (’89 BSPh), Jim Miller (’71 BSPh, Iowa Building Development Committee Member), Matt Osterhaus (’80 BSPh, Executive Leadership Board Member, Iowa Building Development Committee)

50 Year Pharmacists: Cherie Cremers (’66 BSPh), Gail Deatherage (’66 BSPh), William Henning (’65 BSPh), Arnold Karig (’67 MS), Ann Marcalus (’60 BSPh), Frederick Marcalus (’60 BSPh), Ronald Smith (’65 BSPh)