Susan and Patrick Keefe began their dedication to international humanitarianism after marrying and completing their medical studies. Their compelling story started in 1971 when they volunteered with the Diocese of Davenport to be medical workers in a remote, Mexican mountain village. They embraced a need for medical care identified through the organization's partnership. The project represented a significant and timely contribution to global health.
The commitment to improvement and support of global health and international work remains a theme in the Keefe family's contributions to the University of Iowa community, specifically the College of Pharmacy. They have a strong focus on the importance of community building and have generously contributed to provide opportunities to students and faculty at the College and University.
Patrick obtained his BSPh in 1969 from the UI College of Pharmacy, later completing an MBA from Georgia State University. He received the pinnacle award from the UI College of Pharmacy in 2016, the Osterhaus Medal for Lifetime Achievement. Susan has a BS in Nursing from Marycrest International University.
Susan and Patrick are the recipients of the 2020 International Impact Award which recognizes distinguished alumni who have made important contributions internationally. The International Impact Awards will be presented virtually during a special WorldCanvass program on Nov. 16—the official kick-off for the UI celebration of International Education Week.