Thursday, September 9, 2021

Named faculty positions provide an opportunity to honor the academic achievements of selected faculty candidates while recognizing the generosity of donors to the academic enterprise.

We are delighted to announce the following professorship and chair named positions. Each will be formally recognized at the Osterhaus Medal for Lifetime Achievement Symposium Alumni Awards and Investiture Ceremony on October 14. We wish each faculty member continued success in their areas of expertise in research, teaching, and service and look forward to celebrating with them in October. 

Jonathan A Doorn-square

John L. & Carol E. Lach Chair in Drug Delivery Technology

Jonathan Doorn, professor, has been named to the John L. & Carol E. Lach Chair in Drug Delivery Technology. Doorn is the chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Therapeutics. Prior to joining the University of Iowa in 2004, he received a PhD in toxicology from the University of Michigan and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Colorado. Doorn’s interdisciplinary research program is focused on drug discovery/pharmaceutical sciences, toxicology, and neuroscience to address unmet needs in therapy for neurodegenerative disease.

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Patrick E. Keefe Professor in Pharmacy

Korey A. Kennelty, associate professor in the College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, and Carver College of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, has been named the Patrick E. Keefe Professor in Pharmacy. After earning a PharmD from Midwestern University in Arizona, Kennelty received an MS and PhD from the University of Wisconsin in social and administrative sciences in 2010 and 2013, respectively. She then completed a 3-year Advanced Fellowship at the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital, specializing in geriatrics and implementation science. Currently, Kennelty holds a clinical practice in geriatrics at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Her research interests include team-based care, transitions of care, and chronic care management. 

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James A. Otterbeck OnePoint Patient Care Professorship in Hospice and Palliative Care

James B. Ray has been reappointed to the James A. Otterbeck OnePoint Patient Care Professorship in Hospice and Palliative Care. Ray is a clinical associate professor in the College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, and a clinical associate professor in Internal Medicine, Carver College of Medicine. Ray received a Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Nebraska College of Pharmacy and completed a general hospital pharmacy residency at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He currently serves as the clinical pharmacy specialist for the Adult Inpatient Supportive and Palliative Care Consult Service at University of Hospitals and Clinics. Ray has integrated palliative care principles into the PharmD curriculum and developed post-graduate training opportunities for pharmacists in the fields of palliative care and hospice.