When Andy Spurgin graduated from the College of Pharmacy in 2013, he had multiple opportunities to jump-start his career. He was first invited to complete a postdoctoral fellowship with Executive Associate Dean and Professor Gary Milavetz at the National Advanced Driving Simulator. They conducted a study on the effect of cannabis on driving.
He then earned a residency position at a children's hospital in Kansas City. Spurgin enjoyed working with children—he had been a Special Olympics coach and a longtime employee at his hometown aquatic center. While a resident, a friend alerted him to a pharmacist opening in his hometown in Estherville, Iowa. He applied and took the position -- but a year later, the independent owner decided to close the business.

Spurgin viewed this as an opportunity. He partnered with another business owner, and the two started Estherville Pharmacy. "Opening my own pharmacy from scratch has been a really humbling experience," Spurgin says. "The deep will and desire of the community to stay local has been one of the coolest things ever." Being a business owner in his hometown has been a blessing. "I thrive on being part of a village, part of my community."
"Opening my own pharmacy from scratch has been a really humbling experience. The deep will and desire of the community to stay local has been one of the coolest things ever."
Andy credits faculty members at Iowa for helping and pushing students in whatever direction they want to explore. "The faculty at Iowa were always looking for ways to get you more in the fold and help push you in whatever direction you were interested in exploring. If you wanted an introduction to someone—if you wanted anything—they’d help."
Read the full story at stories.uiowa.edu.