When Mylo Wells, '18 PharmD, graduated from the UI College of Pharmacy, he wanted to give back to the community where he grew up. He opened two pharmacies in southern Iowa -- Wells Hometown Drug in Bloomfield and Wells Hometown Drug in Keosauqua -- both of which have a large Amish presence.
Wells created an atmosphere welcome to many Amish patients. "I don't treat them any differently, but I am aware of the differences we have culturally," said Wells. In 2019, a whooping cough outbreak developed, and the pharmacy's delivery driver went house to house to deliver the medication. The pharmacies also work to obtain affordable medications since many in the community don't have health insurance. Clinical services for Amish patients often include counseling on consistently taking needed medications. "They are, in general, less trusting of prescription medications than the general public, so I try to reassure them on why they need the prescription medications they receive."
Read Mylo Wells' full story in Pharmacy Times.