Stimulation, motivation, fun, and gratitude. Those were some qualities student pharmacists Naoko Mitsui, Maho Omoto, Sawano Tanaka, and Naoko Yoshida from Keio University in Tokyo, Japan, left the UI College of Pharmacy with at the end of their four-week clinical educational and professional experience visit at the College of Pharmacy last month. Their visit was part of the college’s Faculty Exchange Program, a 20-year endeavor with Keio University and Kitasato University in Japan that Professor Emeritus Jay Currie started.
Clinical Associate Professor Stevie Veach spent time at Keio University in June preparing the quartet for their trip. She shared about health care and pharmacy practice in the United States and learned the same about Japan and Thailand from students of the two countries.

“While in Iowa, students participated in practice experiences in community and health system pharmacy throughout UI Health Care in addition to cultural experiences in the community during the evenings and weekends. Our faculty, students, and patients benefit immensely from this exchange.” said Clinical Associate Professor Ryan Jacobson. “I would like to acknowledge and thank our colleagues at UI Health Care, especially Dr. Sarah Tierney, who helped make the learning experiences possible and Administrator Services Specialist Angie Tiedt who helped plan and coordinate the experience. Dr. Currie has created this rich exchange, and I hope we will see this program continue well into the future.”
Upon returning to Japan, the students’ professor, Sayo Suzuki, reported they talked for two hours about their experience, including the practices, hospitality, kindness, fun activities, and relationships built.
“They were treated to many dinners, presented many souvenirs from the University of Iowa, and they cried a lot when they had to say goodbye to the teachers,” said Suzuki. “And even though it was early in the morning on the day of their departure, the Iowa students came to see them off.”