Students in the professional doctorate program (PharmD) at the UI College of Pharmacy will become medication experts who pursue roles as practitioners, scientists, technologists, activists and entrepreneurs. They will have a broad perspective that includes knowledge of healthcare systems, policy, and practice in local, national, and international settings.
1.1 Expert knowledge of medications: Student pharmacists will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to integrate and apply basic principles of chemistry, biochemistry, physical science, biology, mathematics and statistics needed for the application of these sciences to drug therapy and human health.
1.2 Expert knowledge of practice: Student pharmacists will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to use principles of therapeutics, quality improvement, communication, economics, health behavior, social and administrative sciences, health policy and legal issues in the practice of pharmacy.
Personal Skills
2.1 Problem-solving and decision-making: Student pharmacists will demonstrate use of observational, analytical and critical thinking skills to develop, implement and evaluate solutions that solve real-world problems.
2.2 Communication: Student pharmacists will effectively listen, speak and write in a manner that facilitates positive interaction with patients, health professionals and the public.
2.3 Teamwork: Student pharmacists will demonstrate appropriate and effective team behaviors in achieving shared goals in a variety of situations such as interprofessional teams and other pharmacy-related work environments.
Professional Skills
3.1 Patient-centered care: Student pharmacists will provide patient-centered care to diverse patients using the best available evidence and in consideration of patients’ circumstances to devise, modify, implement, document and monitor pharmacotherapy care plans, either independently or as part of healthcare teams.
3.2 Population and public health: Student pharmacists will design, implement and assess initiatives to improve health and wellness.
3.3 Medication use systems management: Student pharmacists will effectively apply principles of finance, marketing and human resources to manage medication use systems.
3.4 Educator: Student pharmacists will educate all audiences by determining the most effective and enduring ways to impart information and assess understanding.
3.5 Information management: Student pharmacists will utilize information management systems to access information and provide care. They will also contribute to system development and ongoing improvement.
3.6 Scholarship and research: Student pharmacists will be effective translators of scientific concepts and technologies by being critical appraisers of the scientific literature. They will apply the principles of research in their pursuit of professional discovery.
3.7 Innovation and entrepreneurship: Student pharmacists will engage in innovative activities by using creative thinking to envision better ways of accomplishing professional goals.
Attitudes and Values
4.1 Professional attitudes and behaviors: Student pharmacists will exhibit professional ethics, attitudes and behaviors by demonstrating patient advocacy, altruism, accountability, compassion, integrity and respect for others. Student pharmacists will show leadership by initiating and advocating change to develop new opportunities in response to problems they identify.
4.2 Social and cultural awareness: Student pharmacists will recognize social determinants of health and respect patients’ cultural, social and religious perspectives to produce safe and appropriate medication use throughout society.
4.3 Self-awareness: Student pharmacists, through reflection on their knowledge, experiences, values, attitudes, biases and beliefs, will show evidence of being self-aware, life-long learners. Student pharmacists will maintain and enhance personal and professional growth.