To promote a culture of student success, this policy outlines policies and procedures for course remediation following course failure. Remediation is intended to provide students an opportunity to demonstrate competency in a required didactic course while minimizing disruption to progression. This policy governs students in the Doctor of Pharmacy Professional (PharmD) program.
- Course Remediation: a process/course in which some or all information regarding core concepts within the course are re-introduced and the student is re-assessed to demonstrate competency.
- An example remediation might involve the student viewing previously recorded lectures, completing assignments, discussing material with course instructors, and taking exams to demonstrate knowledge.
- Elective courses, experiential courses (i.e., Introductory or Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences—IPPE or APPE), and skills-based courses (e.g., Foundations/Applications of Pharmacy Practice, compounding) are not eligible for remediation.
- Course Retake: Student retakes a course in its entirety the next time the course is offered, likely delaying graduation.
- Good Academic Standing: Applies to a student meeting all the following criteria:
- Completes all required and elective courses with a passing grade
- Maintains a Pharmacy Semester GPA of 2.00 or higher
- Maintains a Pharmacy Cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher to begin Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiential curriculum
- Maintains a Pharmacy Cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher to graduate
Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure a remediation course is available. However, due to potential extenuating circumstances influencing course delivery, remediation offerings cannot be guaranteed. In this case, the student would re-take the course at the next available course offering.
If course remediation is offered, the student must also meet the following conditions to be eligible:
- Course grade of F (fail)
- Must not have failed the course due to a code of conduct violation (e.g., cheating, plagiarism)
- Must not have failed the same course previously
- Student must be in good academic standing at the time the failure occurs.
- Final percentage earned in the original course is above 50%.
- Must have shown investment in the original course, as determined by the course coordinator.
- Investment is demonstrated through regular course engagement (e.g., timely submission of assignments, class attendance, seeking support, responsiveness to communications).
To remain eligible for remediation:
- Must pass all other courses during the academic year (May to May).
- For Fall course failures, the student must earn a pharmacy GPA of ≥ 2.00 in the Spring.
The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will consult with each course coordinator and review the student’s academic record to determine student eligibility and if remediation will be offered. If remediation is not offered or the student is not eligible, the student will retake the course at the next available offering.
If remediation is offered, the following will occur:
- The course coordinator, in collaboration with the ADAA, will determine the timeframe for remediation. Most often, this will be at the end of the academic year (i.e., summer).
- The length of the remediation process is approximately 1 week per semester hour of the original course. Students should not expect to work and cannot participate in any other course during this time.
- The student will sign a Remediation Contract outlining the actions needed to learn the material and the methods of assessment and feedback the student will receive throughout the process. A copy of the contract will be on file with the ADAA until completion of course remediation.
- If the student successfully completes remediation with a passing grade, the student’s original course grade will be replaced with a “D” if course uses letter grades or “Pass” if course is pass/fail grading.
- If a student is unsuccessful in remediation, the student will be referred to the Student Success and Progression Committee for discussion of deceleration or dismissal.
- Students enrolled in remediation may be charged a fee. The fee will be determined on a course-by-course basis.
- Students remediating similar courses will often complete remediation activities alongside other students; therefore, confidentiality regarding a student’s need to participate in remediation cannot be guaranteed.