We, the College of Pharmacy at the University of Iowa, are dedicated to fostering an environment where access, opportunity, and diversity are vital components of our mission. These values support and enhance teamwork, learning, scientific discovery, clinical practice, leadership development, and global citizenship. We are committed to building and maintaining a community that prepares our students to become culturally and globally competent leaders.

Old Capitol

University of Iowa's Division of Access Opportunity & Diversity

Working to maintain a respectful, productive, and welcoming campus.
Medicinal Gardens 2

Report a Problem

Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC)

Student Resources

Student Disability Services

Accommodations, Resources, Scholarships

Multicultural and International Center

Student Support and Engagement

Guidance on Free Speech

UI Guidelines and Policies

Mindful Hawkeyes Support Spaces

Opportunity to engage in dialog with others

Building Cultural Global Competency

The Division of Access, Opportunity, and Diversity works to maintain a productive and welcoming campus culture where everyone can contribute, find community, and work toward finding common ground. We do this through providing a campus-wide hub and spoke model with a focus on collegiate support, student recruitment and retention, and civil rights compliance.

  • Access: Equipping all Hawkeyes with the necessary skills to lead in a global society.
  • Opportunity: Ensuring every Hawkeye has the best chance for advancement and success.
  • Diversity: Enriching our community with a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and viewpoints.

A Building For All

The College of Pharmacy building features Universal Design -- the design and composition of an environment to be accessed, understood, and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of their age, size, ability, or disability.


A Different Color for Each Floor

Hearing Aids Icon

A Discreet Sound System for Hearing Aids

Wheelchair icon

Designed with Users of Mobility Aids in Mind

Entrance icon

A System to Melt Snow at Entrances