Preparing Future Pharmacists for Real-Life Experiences Using State-of-the Art Technology

The Pharmacy Practice Learning Center utilizes the most up-to-date educational software to train pharmacy students, including:

  • Elevate Healthcare Learning Space
  • EHR Go
  • MyDispense

Elevate Healthcare Learning Space

Our three simulated patient care areas (Pharmacy Skills Suite, Model Community Pharmacy, and Model Hospital Pharmacy) utilize Learning Space®, an integrated software program to provide real-time and asynchronous assessment and feedback. This web-based system is specifically designed for healthcare simulation education and allows for scheduling, video capture, student assessment checklists, and performance reports for activities in our integrated simulation curriculum.



EHR Go allows students the opportunity to learn skills involved in using an electronic healthcare record. Notable practice experiences provided within EHR Go include: navigation of complex patient charts, reconciliation of home medication lists with active inpatient medication orders, analysis of a medication administration record when making medication recommendations, creation of clinical notes for addition to the patient record, and verification of acute care medication orders.


MyDispense is an online pharmacy simulation that allows students to develop and practice their dispensing skills. Through highly interactive dispensing exercises, MyDispense allows students to develop skills and confidence in safe, best-practice dispensing of pharmaceutical products. It supports a total dispensing experience, from initial communication with the patient and prescriber to professional advice when handing medicines to patients.