Gretchen Brummel, PharmD, BCPS
Office Location: 336 CPB
Phone: (319) 335-2586
- Oversight of entire professional experience program
- Ensuring an adequate number and quality of sites and preceptors to deliver the experiential curriculum.
- Relationships with other health science colleges to support development of interprofessional educational experiences in the practice setting.
Assistant Director
Jenny Seyfer, BSPh, RPh
Office Location: 375-B1 CPB
Phone: (319) 335-8835
Responsible for:
- Administration of Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE)
- Administration of the affiliation agreements with practice sites
- Scheduling of Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE)/APPE Prior Approval requests
- Management of onboarding requirements for IPPE/APPE students
- Administration of the IPPE Career Exploration course
- Administration of the IPPE Clinical course
- Onboarding for all IPPE/APPE
Assistant Director
Colleen Gross-Advani, BBA
Office Location: 375-C-1 CPB
Phone: (319) 335-8861
Responsible for:
- Overall management of eValue computer management system
- Scheduling of APPE and IPPE through optimization and changes throughout the year
- Administration of the IPPE Community and IPPE Hospital courses

Director of Preceptor and Site Development
Karriann Reising, PharmD
Phone: 319-467-4907
Responsible for:
- Development of new practice sites and preceptors
- Practice site visits
- Quality assurance of the practice experience program