The College of Pharmacy has a limited number of donor-endowed scholarships available for PharmD students. By submitting the application below, you are applying for all available scholarships. Consideration and awarding of scholarships will be based on donor-specified criteria.
Donor scholarships are only available for P2, P3, and P4 PharmD students.
List of Donor Scholarships:
Albrecht/Winckler Scholarship
To a student who is from an area within 100 miles of Sioux City and demonstrates financial need and academic merit.
Lymen Bennet Scholarship Fund
To a P2 who is a resident of Iowa.
Stephen and Teresa Shibley Berge Pharmacy Education Scholarship
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Seymour Blaug Memorial Scholarship Fund
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Ilse Buckner Scholarship
To a pharmacy student with financial needs.
Burroughs Wellcome Scholarship
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing with financial needs.
David & James Carlson Scholarship
To a pharmacy student interested in clinical or hospital pharmacy and in good academic standing.
Class of 1970 Scholarship Fund
To a student who has had a family member in the UI College of Pharmacy class of 1970 and/or a native of Iowa or bordering states.
Class of 2009 Scholarship Fund
To a P3 who demonstrates financial need and has exemplified dedication of service to the profession of pharmacy through involvement at the UI College of Pharmacy or place of employment. The student should also participate in volunteer work or work activities which further enhance their learning experience.
Jordan & Jana Cohen Doctor of Pharmacy Scholarship
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing with financial needs.
College of Pharmacy Executive Leadership Board Excellence Fund
Awarded to the class presidents.
Vernon Conzemius Scholarship
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing with financial needs.
CVS Scholarships
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing interested in community pharmacy practice.
John and Margo Daniel Scholarship for Pharmacy
To a pharmacy student from Webster County or surrounding areas.
Floyd R. and Judith E. Domer Scholarship Fund
To a student earning a 3.4 GPA or higher and demonstrating financial need.
Max Eggleston Pharmacy Scholarship
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Eggleston-Granberg Scholarship
Awarded by the Iowa Pharmacy Association.
Lori Grimes Scholarship
To a second-year pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Hartig Scholarship Fund
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Janet Hinderliter Scholarship
To a third year pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Frances T. and Charles Holub Memorial Award
To a third year pharmacy student in good academic standing with financial needs
Robert J. and Lois M. Hughes Scholarship
To a pharmacy student who graduated from a Catholic high school in Iowa.
Iowa Pharmacy Foundation Scholarship
To an Iowa native pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Alexis Ireland Scholarship
To a parent with significant need.
Dean Kuever Pharmacy Scholarship
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Lee Family Pharmacy Scholarship
To a pharmacy student who demonstrates financial need.
Ronald P. Madden Scholarship
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing with financial needs
Charles Malecek Scholarship
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Lee McCann Scholarship
To an employed third year student who is maintaining a 3.0 GPA and demonstrates financial need.
Virgil McCutchan Scholarship
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing.
J. Patrick McDonnell Scholarship
To a pharmacy student from Iowa who maintains a 3.0 GPA or higher and demonstrates financial need.
Carleton R. Mikkelsen Scholarship
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Miller-Ruegnitz Pharmacy Scholarship
To a pharmacy student with financial needs.
G.W. and Jane Nash Fund
To a pharmacy student based upon academic merit, service, and financial need.
Mark A. Nessen Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship
To a student from Wayne County, Iowa, or surrounding areas with community involvement.
Norgaard-Berry Scholarship Fund
To an out of state P3 or P4 student who is in good academic standing.
Petersen Linder Scholarship
To a pharmacy student with financial needs that shows excellent leadership
Quad City Area Pharmacy Scholarship
To provide support for students from the Quad Cities area from both Iowa and Illinois, who demonstrates financial need.
Ramza-Fester Pharmacy Scholarship
To a student who has demonstrated a commitment to the LGTBQ+ community through membership in a student group, community activity, or similar endeavor that serves the LGTBQ+ community.
Robert E. and Barbara J. Rehal Family Scholarship
To a pharmacy student who shows interest in independent or community pharmacy.
Sattler Family Scholarship (alternate years with CCOM)
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Scherling Prize
To a pharmacy student who has done superior work in organic chemistry.
Hal and Jeanne Schimmelpfennig Scholarship
To a pharmacy student from Sigourney, IA, or surrounding counties.
Schlumberger Scholarship
No donor intent.
Ronald and Linda Schmits Pharmacy Scholarship
To a student who demonstrates merit, is in good academic standing, and demonstrates financial need.
Gordon Sheffield Scholarship
To an Iowa native pharmacy student with financial needs that shows excellent leadership and academic excellence.
Shutt Pharmacy Scholarship Fund
To a pharmacy student with financial needs.
H. Curtis Snyder Scholarship
To a pharmacy student interested in a sales career or community pharmacy practice.
Paul G and Vivian Soderdahl Scholarship
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Dr. Bruce Thede Pharmacy Scholarship Fund
Open to all applicants regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, or veteran status.
Thompson Scholarship Fund in Memory of Rob Chabal
To a fourth year pharmacy student with a commitment to community pharmacy practice.
Donald J and Nancy L Unash Scholarship
To a pharmacy student from Linn, Johnson or Iowa counties in good academic standing with financial needs.
Colonel Thomas C. Veach Class of 1952 Scholarship
To a pharmacy student in good academic standing.
Walgreen Excellence Award
To pharmacy students who have an interest in community pharmacy.
Walgreen Multilingual Scholarship
To a pharmacy student who is fluent in one or more languages in addition to English with an interest in community pharmacy.
Jo H. and Robert A. Wiley Scholarship
To an Iowa native pharmacy student with financial needs.
Zopf Memorial Scholarship
To a pharmacy student with financial need.
John D. and Betsy Zuehlke Scholarship Fund
To a P4 student from Iowa who exhibits financial need and demonstrates outstanding academic progress.