Allyssa Yahnke, '23 PharmD
Allyssa Yahnke graduated from the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy in May 2023. She moved back to her hometown of Bloomfield, Iowa where she now works as a staff pharmacist for Wells Hometown Drug in both the Bloomfield and Keosauqua, Iowa locations.
Palliative Care Certificate Impact: The palliative care certificate program has impacted not only my life but also the lives of my patients in more ways than one. I have become a better listener, I practice with compassion and empathy, and I have learned how to be a better advocate for patients. The certificate program has allowed me to gain new confidence in myself when interacting with patients. While some situations may be tough, I know I have the skills to deal with them now. In the community pharmacy setting I work in; I have formed better connections and relationships with the patients I care for, and I believe this opportunity is what allowed me to do that.
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