Austin Sack, '20 PharmD

Pharmacy Operations Manager, Lurie Children’s Hospital, Chicago, Illinois

Austin Sack completed his PGY1/2 HSPAL Residency and MBA in Healthcare Management through the University of Chicago Medicine. Austin is currently the Pharmacy Operations Manager over the central pharmacy and IV room at Lurie Children’s Hospital.

Palliative Care Certificate Impact: The holistic approach to patient care and pharmacotherapeutic knowledge acquired from the Palliative Care Certificate was instrumental in my clinical development as a pharmacist. I applied these skills in research on Fentanyl Patch Initiation in Opioid Naive Head and Neck Cancer Patients, in a CE presentation on the Quality of Life and Cost Savings of Palliative Care, in a CE presentation on The Impact of Covid-19 on Diseases of Despair and The Opioid Epidemic, and in a variety of clinical experiences. As an administrator, I continue to advocate for pain and opioid stewardship through committee involvement and clinical initiatives.

Practice areas
  • Residency, PGY1
  • Residency, PGY2
  • Leadership / Management
Sack, Austin
Palliative Care Certificate