Bibiana Ruiz Granado, '21 PharmD

Inpatient Clinical Pharmacist, Iowa City VA Health Care System

Bibiana “Bee” Ruiz Granado, PharmD is a Clinical Pharmacist Specialist at the Iowa City VA Healthcare System. She graduated from the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy in 2021 and completed a PGY1 Pharmacy residency at the Iowa City VA in 2022. She worked as an inpatient clinical pharmacist at the Iowa City VA after residency and has now transitioned to a specialist role working as the USP 787/800 USP Program Manager. In this role, she ensures the hospital is compliant with USP standards and works in a variety of interdisciplinary committees where she provides expertise in sterile pharmacy compounding and education. Her clinical interests include antibiotic stewardship, acute care, anticoagulation, palliative care, and chronic disease state management. She was the 2020 recipient of the Zada Cooper Leadership Award and remains actively involved in Phi Delta Chi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, providing mentorship to current members.

Palliative Care Certificate Impact:  The biggest impact the PC certification had on my education was making me a more compassionate healthcare professional. It gave me new perspectives that I would not have been exposed to in my general training. It forced me to think outside the box in how we care for our patients and ultimately put their goals first. 

Practice areas
  • Clinical
  • Residency, PGY1
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Palliative Care Certificate