Bryce Andry, '24 PharmD
Biography: Bryce earned his PharmD and Palliative Care Certificate from the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy in May 2024. As part of the Palliative Care Certificate Program, he enjoyed a rotation at the UI Health Care Supportive and Palliative Care Clinic. Prior to rotations, he participated in research with Dr. Lorin Fisher which focused on barriers to opioid access for patients living with serious illnesses in community pharmacies across the state of Iowa. Currently, Bryce is pursuing a Pharmacy Manager role at Thrifty White Pharmacy in Hutchinson, Minnesota. He is eager to utilize the invaluable knowledge gained from the Palliative Care Certificate Program in his practice as a community pharmacist, and values holistic care for patients as a mainstay of pharmacy professionalism. Bryce met his lovely wife, Karlee (Boyle) Andry, the first week of school back in August 2020, and they were married at the start of their P3 year on September 10th, 2022. Currently, Karlee is pursuing a PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency with Mayo Clinic Health System in Mankato, Minnesota.