Tiffany Khachikian, '20 PharmD

Clinical Pharmacist, SISU Healthcare Solutions, Las Vegas, NV

Tiffany Khachikian is employed at SISU Healthcare Solutions in Las Vegas, NV. The company has two branches, in Tempe, AZ, and Las Vegas, NV. Khachikian is dual-licensed in both states to assist as needed. SISU is an infusion company that primarily works with inpatient cases, addressing the ability to complete home-IV antibiotics. Clinical analyses are done daily, and there is also an on-site infusion suite for non-acute visits (i.e., iron infusion, IVIG, transplant patients, etc.). 

Palliative Care Certificate Impact: The company contracts with TPN patients, specifically pediatric palliative care patients. This is a very specific niche of patients who need care for both the patients and their families. In addition, we frequently have patients who are starting on home IV antibiotics. The skills I learned from completing the Palliative Care Program have forever changed the way I practice and work with patients. 


Practice areas
  • Clinical
Khachikian, Tiffany
Palliative Care Certificate