Any person may file a formal complaint to the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy regarding its Doctor of Pharmacy Program. Complaints may include, but are not limited to, admissions policies, inappropriate faculty or student conduct, inequities in grading, and/or failure to comply with collegiate policy. It is the responsibility of the Associate Dean of Student Affairs to manage and provide responses to formal complaints about the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.
The College of Pharmacy encourages persons with complaints about the Doctor of Pharmacy educational program to seek informal resolution of their complaints prior to initiating a formal process.
Procedures for formal complaints:
- To initiate a formal complaint, one must provide a written, signed and dated statement and provide full contact information of the person submitting the complaint. If this is a student complaint related to a course or faculty action, a statement of actions taken, per collegiate policy, to informally resolve the complaint must be included.
- Complaint forms are available in Room 231 CPB (Office of Professional Education). Complaints must be submitted to the attention of the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, 231 CPB, College of Pharmacy, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.
- Formal complaints will be reviewed upon receipt by the Associate Dean or designated Office of Professional Education staff member and referred to the appropriate collegiate committee or administrative office within the College or University for information, advice and/or response. Complaints may require meetings or hearings with the complaining party or other members of the collegiate or university community. The person submitting the complaint will receive a response or update on its status within 60 days. All effort will be made to provide timely responses to time-sensitive complaints.
- Outcomes of complaints that result in decisions by College of Pharmacy Committees may be appealed to the College of Pharmacy Associate Dean of Student Affairs. Complaint actions or decisions by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs may be appealed to the Dean of the College of Pharmacy. University-related complaints may be appealed through the University of Iowa policies and procedures. Members of the University community may also seek advice on complaints from the Office of the Ombudsperson (C108 Seashore Hall, 335-3608.)
Information regarding filing a complaint with ACPE may be found on the following webpage: