Student use of illegal drugs, misuse of prescription and non-prescription medications (as defined by law), and alcohol misuse is a matter of concern to The University of Iowa College of Pharmacy. The College of Pharmacy endeavors to protect and assist students by providing reliable information about the hazards of drugs and alcohol, identifying students at risk for substance use issues and, assisting students in receiving substance misuse treatment when necessary. The College of Pharmacy also recognizes its obligation to patient safety and the integrity of student activities in clinical practice experiences and other College of Pharmacy associated events.
The College of Pharmacy has a specific policy related to substance misuse by students. The objectives of this policy are to:
- Observe state board of pharmacy administrative rules and state and federal laws.
- Promote a campus free of illegal drug use.
- Stress moderation, safety, and individual accountability by those who choose to drink alcohol.
- Provide an atmosphere free of coercion for those who choose not to drink alcohol.
- Maintain a community where the effects of substance misuse are minimal and where problem behavior is eliminated.
- Provide information and education on the health risks associated with drug and alcohol use and/or misuse.
- Provide information and referral for confidential guidance and counseling for those with special needs related to substance misuse.
- Protect patient safety and the integrity of educational practice settings.
Related Policies:
- The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of illegal drugs is prohibited at the University.
- All students must report to work, class, or any other official University activity unimpaired and remain in a condition fit to perform. Reporting to work, class or other official University activities while impaired by drugs or alcohol or possession of drugs or alcohol is a violation of this policy and shall subject the student to the appropriate disciplinary and/or rehabilitative action.
- As a condition of enrollment, every student must abide by the terms of this policy and will agree to a criminal background check that will identify any drug or alcohol related conviction. If during enrollment a drug or alcohol related arrest or conviction should occur, notice is to be given to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs no later than five days after such event. Failure to give notice within five days could result in disciplinary action.
The College of Pharmacy Office of Professional Education will inform students about college policies and the issues surrounding substance misuse at various times during their academic program. These include, but are not limited to:
- Promoting awareness of the negative impact of substance misuse in the helping professions, especially pharmacy.
- Working with the College of Pharmacy to promote campus drug free policies and risk management at college- sponsored activities.
- Provision of the policy to each new student with discussion by faculty and current students.
- Documentation by student signature of their receipt of the College of Pharmacy Substance misuse policy and acknowledgement of its expectation for a drug-free experiential learning environment.
- Periodic discussions by faculty in relevant courses.
Student Substance Misuse
The College of Pharmacy shall abide by university policy and provide students with an opportunity to address substance misuse confidentially during any phase of their academic experience. The guiding philosophies of the following policy are first to protect patients from potential harm caused by impaired students in clinical practice experiences, and second to encourage the discovery and recovery of students with a substance use disorder.
- The College of Pharmacy acknowledges and adopts the University of Iowa's policy regarding use of illegal drugs and alcohol. Copies of this policy may be found in the Policies and Regulations Affecting Students.
- When reasonable information is available of a potential substance misuse issue by a student, the student will be required to obtain a clinical assessment at UI Student Health, or from other acceptable medical provider. Students refusing assessment may be dismissed from the College and reported to the Iowa Board of Pharmacy.
- Students determined to have substance use disorder will be encouraged to self-report to the Iowa Professional Health Committee-Pharmacy administered by the Iowa Board of Pharmacy Examiners.
Role of Iowa Professional Health Committee-Pharmacy (IPHC-P)
The Iowa Board of Pharmacy has developed the IPHC-P program to assure appropriate and confidential treatment and monitoring of substance misuse issues within the pharmacy profession. The program is a confidential resource established to assist pharmacy professionals and student pharmacists in obtaining the necessary support for healthy recovery from substance use, mental health, and/or physical conditions which are potentially threatening to professional performance and public safety. The college will utilize the IPHC-P program to manage students deemed to have a substance use issue which requires treatment based upon a substance use assessment.
Drug Testing
The college shall not require random mandatory drug testing of students. The College of Pharmacy feels that adherence to current policies and procedures should result in drug free environments and that random mandatory drug testing of members of the student body is an unnecessary invasion of student privacy. If clinical assessment results in a treatment program that includes drug testing, students will be expected to follow the treatment program.