The results of the UI Graduate Education Task Force’s review of PhD programs conducted during the academic year 2015-2016 were recently released. The College of Pharmacy’s graduate program received a “commendable” rating, citing several strong attributes. These included its PhD completion rate, time-to-degree, placement of its graduates, efforts to increase the recruitment of underrepresented minority students, and opportunities for interested students to conduct internships at a range of organizations (both private and government) that provide both professional development and information to assist in determining career direction. Also contributing to the commendable rating was the use of a formalized system of Individual Career Development Plans for graduate students.
The review process was completed and the report was submitted to University of Iowa Provost P. Barry Butler at the end of the spring 2016 semester. Each doctoral program was placed into one of three categories: Commendable, Sustainable, and Significant Changes Required.