Articles from March 2014
Dean Aims to Reach All Alumni
Monday, March 24, 2014
If you’re a UI College of Pharmacy alum, Dean Donald Letendre wants to meet you!
Unique Spring Break for College of Pharmacy Students
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
While many students are off on the beach during spring break, some College of Pharmacy students are working to advance health care in an underserved area. Each year, College of Pharmacy students help to coordinate a service project to de-worm school kids in Xicotepec, Mexico.
In the News: Bone Regeneration Featured on KWWL
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Bone regeneration work being carried out by Aliasger Salem and his team was featured on Iowa's KWWL news on March 17.
Pharmacy Students Provide Health Services to the Community
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
College of Pharmacy students continually reach out to citizens across Iowa by providing a variety of health services, from immunizations to glucose screenings, heartburn education to medication counseling and disposal.